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As a subsidiary of Green Brick Partners, Trophy Signature Homes combines our local building expertise with the strong financial resources of a national, diversified homebuilding and land development company.
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Purchase Experience Testimonials from Real Homebuyers
Royse City, on Dec 29, 2023
Trophy has terrible communication with me with the pending repairs im still waiting on.
Royse City, TX, on Dec 04, 2024
I enjoyed everything. Everybody was always very helpful and answered any questions I had
Royse City, on Dec 12, 2024
The warranty service was a little complicated to understand however once I figured it out, I had no issue satisfying the problem.
Royse City, on May 07, 2023
The materials used in the building process are extremely low quality. The warranty department is a joke. The contractors either don’t show up to do warranty repairs or don’t have the materials to com0,etc the warranty work. There are excuses from everyone why warranty work is not being completed. They always state with that isn’t part of the warranty. After reported repeatedly they finally scheduled the repair. Which requires me to used my vacation time, for the contractors to either not show up or show up late with out the tools and or products required ro make the repairs.
Royse City, TX, on Nov 17, 2024
I like the quality and price point. I dislike that there are some minor repair that needs to be done.
Royse City, on Mar 18, 2023
I am very unhappy that the majority of the baseboards in the house are unfinished wood pieces. They aren’t smooth and feel like sanding boards. We also have outlets that do not work and major cracks in the ceiling.
Royse City, on Mar 18, 2023
I have countless emails about how bad this warranty service is for Trophy. I’m a builder for [name removed], and my wife works warranty for [name removed] as well. It’s a joke what we’ve gone through with Trophy. The communication has been the worst. Timeliness of tickets being completed has been awful. We have called, texted, emailed to not get any responses. You know when we get responses? When we go to the area manager threatening to go to the vice president of the division. I know it’s a new build, and it can have its issues. What I don’t tolerate is how atrophy “prides” itself on warranty and service, and we receive nothing but the worst service. I loved my house, until I’ve had to deal with this warranty department. I’ve asked for a new home warranty service manager because it feels like Im having to do the work for them. Let me see if I can include some emails…. This continues to be a joke. The sink was scheduled to be done on Tuesday. We got lucky plumbers were here to fix our toilet issues, so they offered to disassemble the plumbing for the sink for Allied. Had they not been here, the sink would have not been done. Why was plumbing not scheduled ahead of time for the sink repair? Why is plumbing still not installed? Are you really having us go an entire week without a functioning sink and a functioning dishwasher? Are we supposed to eat out every day since we have no way of washing dishes? Or are we supposed to wash dishes in our bathroom sinks without a disposal? Maybe we can go back to old days, and fill up a bucket with water and wash dishes outside in the yard. Fix the sink by tomorrow. I’m not going an entire week without a functioning kitchen sink. Can’t wait for that 6 month survey, can’t come soon enough. [name removed] provide your managers information please. Otherwise I will take to LinkedIn. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone On Mar 16, 2023, at 18:10, [name removed] wrote: ?Hey [name removed], I didn’t hear back from you regarding the sink. No one contacted me to schedule the reinstall and I would prefer this get taken care of ASAP. Thanks . Sent from my iPhone On Mar 14, 2023, at 12:37 PM, [name removed] wrote: ? Hey [name removed], Allied came out to repair the sink this morning, but when they showed up, they informed me that the plumbing would need to be pulled in order for them to complete the repair to the sink. Horizon Plumbing just so happened to be here at the same time, so I was able to sweet talk them into disconnecting the plumbing so that Allied could complete the repair to the sink. However, now we need to reschedule the reconnect for the plumbing underneath the kitchen sink. Can we get this on schedule for tomorrow? Also, the guys haven’t showed up yet to set up containment for the insulation tomorrow. Are they still on schedule? Thanks. [name removed] Sent from my iPhone ———————————///————————————— Good afternoon, Yes, you are correct about entry and airing out requirements. We can schedule this when you are available, but we do have policies where if a homeowner is not available for 7 consecutive business days that we must close the ticket. The homeowner would then have to resubmit the ticket when they are next available. In this case, your ticket will be closed, and I ask that you resubmit when you are available. We can schedule the plastic to be installed prior to the foam installation and will keep you updated. I do not have access to the MSDS you are asking for and those are designed for employers to educate and distribute to employees. I apologize but I do not have this information to provide. Thank you, Logo, company name Description automatically generated [name removed] Area Warranty Manager TROPHY SIGNATURE HOMES T: 469.830.5599 2805 [name removed] Parkway #125 Plano, Texas 75093 trophysignaturehomes.com Icon Description automatically generatedIcon Description automatically generatedIcon Description automatically generated with medium confidenceIcon Description automatically generatedIcon Description automatically generated From: [name removed] <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 8:21 PM To: [name removed] <[email protected]> Cc: [name removed] <[email protected]>; [name removed] <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Warranty update 2/22/23 Leak Repair Good evening, Thanks for clearing that up. And just to confirm the repair process, when the installer arrives someone will have to be home to let them in, but we are not to be in the home for 4-6 hrs during/ after the foam installation? That also includes pets as well? For scheduling, I will not be free until the week of 3/13 since our kids will be on Spring Break. Also, please provide the MSDS sheet for the spray foam being installed for our records. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone On Feb 24, 2023, at 11:30 AM, [name removed] <[email protected]> wrote: ? Good morning, 24 hours is a general requirement for a large insulation installation. I clarified this with Texas Insulation and showed them a picture of the repair area for your home. I apologize about any information provided previously that wasn’t accurate. Trophy Signature Homes does not offer reimbursement as stated in the 2-10 warranty for your home. Thank you, <image001.png> [name removed] Oringer Area Warranty Manager TROPHY SIGNATURE HOMES T: 469.830.5599 2805 [name removed] Parkway #125 Plano, Texas 75093 trophysignaturehomes.com <image002.jpg> <image003.jpg> <image004.jpg> <image005.jpg> <image006.jpg> From: [name removed] <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2023 5:49 PM To: [name removed] <[email protected]> Cc: [name removed] <[email protected]>; [name removed] <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Warranty update 2/22/23 Leak Repair Good afternoon [name removed]. Thank you for getting back to us and answering our questions. I still have some concerns regarding the insulation that I would like for you to clarify. Per my conversation with [name removed] yesterday, he informed me that the Insulation Company advised for us to be out of the house for 24 hrs post install. If that is going to be the case, what is Trophy’s reimbursement/ relocation policy for when homeowners have to vacate the property as part of the repair process? I understand that Texas Insulation will set up containment prior to the reinstall, and that the repair process should take 4-6 hrs but that offers little to no reassurance regarding the health and safety of my family. Am I to understand that setting up plastic barriers, opening windows and running a ceiling fan for 4-6 hrs is going to protect my family from potentially hazardous fumes that are released as the insulation cures, when not 24 hrs prior it was communicated to me that we shouldn’t be in the house for at least 24 hrs after? Your clarification on this issue is greatly appreciated. Also, can you please provide the MSDS sheet from the spray foam insulation company for the spray foam that will be installed. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone On Feb 23, 2023, at 5:16 PM, [name removed] <[email protected]> wrote: ? Good afternoon, My name is [name removed], and I am the area warranty manager for your community. I have confirmed with the insulation company the following factors when installing insulation at your home. If you would still like this scheduled on a Friday, we can accommodate this. I wanted more clarification, so I spoke to a representative at Texas Insulation about the processes for this situation. The same R value spray foam originally installed will be used for the repair area. Texas Insulation advised that installing plastic barriers to close off the area, open windows, and running the ceiling fan to assist air out the area. This will take 4-6 hours Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, <image001.png> [name removed] Oringer Area Warranty Manager TROPHY SIGNATURE HOMES T: 469.830.5599 2805 [name removed] Parkway #125 Plano, Texas 75093 trophysignaturehomes.com <image002.jpg> <image003.jpg> <image004.jpg> <image005.jpg> <image006.jpg> From: [name removed] <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2023 1:48 PM To: [name removed] <[email protected]> Cc: [name removed] <[email protected]>; [name removed] <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Warranty update 2/22/23 Leak Repair While y’all are checking on this, I would like a copy of the MSDS sheet from the spray foam insulation company for the spray foam they use please. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone On Feb 22, 2023, at 18:36, [name removed] wrote: ?Per our conversation on 2/22/23, you advised me that we should be vacant of the house for 24 hours after spray foam is re-installed. Seeing as a “repair” was done and completed by the roofing company, what accommodations is Trophy going to provide for us to be vacant from the house for 24 hours? Will we be reimbursed for our stay at a hotel? Will we be offered a hotel to stay at? This spray foam must be re-installed on a Friday, as our kids have school during the week. We also have pets, so they must be accommodated as well. Please reply all with an update on the steps Trophy is going to take to make sure this is handled appropriately. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone On Feb 21, 2023, at 2:41 PM, [name removed] wrote: ?Good afternoon, Per our conversation, can you please confirm that the spray foam being used for the drywall repair in the upstairs game room is the same quality as what was previously installed during the construction of the home? Thank you. Sent from my iPhone On Feb 15, 2023, at 5:28 PM, [name removed] <[email protected]> wrote: ? Allied stone should be there Friday afternoon Thank you, [name removed] <image001.png> [name removed] Community Warranty Manager TROPHY SIGNATURE HOMES T: 469.756.0663 2805 [name removed] Parkway #450 Plano, Texas 75093 trophysignaturehomes.com View Your Warranty <image002.jpg> <image003.jpg> <image004.jpg> <image005.jpg> <image006.jpg> From: [name removed] <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 7:45 AM To: [name removed] <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Warranty update I can do Wednesday or Friday afternoon Sent from my iPhone On Feb 13, 2023, at 10:28 PM, [name removed] <[email protected]> wrote: ? Good afternoon They should’ve been there last Friday morning but I received an email from them today asking what day works for you Thank you, [name removed] <image001.png> [name removed] Community Warranty Manager TROPHY SIGNATURE HOMES T: 469.756.0663 2805 [name removed] Parkway #450 Plano, Texas 75093 trophysignaturehomes.com View Your Warranty <image002.jpg> <image003.jpg> <image004.jpg> <image005.jpg> <image006.jpg> From: [name removed] <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 6:06 PM To: [name removed] <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Warranty update Hey [name removed], I never heard back from you in this. When would All Surface be able to come out this week? Thanks. Sent from my iPhone On Feb 8, 2023, at 8:44 PM, [name removed] wrote: ?Hi [name removed], Can we do Monday afternoon? Sent from my iPhone On Feb 8, 2023, at 7:39 PM, [name removed] wrote: ? Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: [name removed] <[email protected]> Date: February 8, 2023 at 19:02:32 CST To: [name removed] <[email protected]> Subject: Warranty update ? Good afternoon I just wanted to let you know that all surface has requested to conduct an inspection on the shower pan on 2/10am for the blue residue, will this date work for you ? Thank you, [name removed] <image001.png> [name removed] Community Warranty Manager TROPHY SIGNATURE HOMES T: 469.756.0663 2805 [name removed] Parkway #450 Plano, Texas 75093 trophysignaturehomes.com View Your Warranty <image002.jpg> <image003.jpg> <image004.jpg> <image005.jpg> <image006.jpg> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email together with any attachments is confidential, intended only for the recipient or recipients named above and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, attorney work product or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this email in error, or are not the named recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this email or any of its attachments is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately and delete this email and any attachments from your computer. You should not retain, copy, use or distribute this email or any attachments for any purpose, or disclose all or any part of the contents to any person. Although this e-mail and all attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus-free and [name removed] [name removed] Partners and/or its affiliates bear no responsibility for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email together with any attachments is confidential, intended only for the recipient or recipients named above and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, attorney work product or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this email in error, or are not the named recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this email or any of its attachments is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately and delete this email and any attachments from your computer. You should not retain, copy, use or distribute this email or any attachments for any purpose, or disclose all or any part of the contents to any person. Although this e-mail and all attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus-free and [name removed] [name removed] Partners and/or its affiliates bear no responsibility for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email together with any attachments is confidential, intended only for the recipient or recipients named above and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, attorney work product or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this email in error, or are not the named recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this email or any of its attachments is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately and delete this email and any attachments from your computer. You should not retain, copy, use or distribute this email or any attachments for any purpose, or disclose all or any part of the contents to any person. Although this e-mail and all attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus-free and [name removed] [name removed] Partners and/or its affiliates bear no responsibility for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email together with any attachments is confidential, intended only for the recipient or recipients named above and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, attorney work product or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this email in error, or are not the named recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this email or any of its attachments is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately and delete this email and any attachments from your computer. You should not retain, copy, use or distribute this email or any attachments for any purpose, or disclose all or any part of the contents to any person. Although this e-mail and all attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus-free and [name removed] [name removed] Partners and/or its affiliates bear no responsibility for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email together with any attachments is confidential, intended only for the recipient or recipients named above and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, attorney work product or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this email in error, or are not the named recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this email or any of its attachments is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately and delete this email and any attachments from your computer. You should not retain, copy, use or distribute this email or any attachments for any purpose, or disclose all or any part of the contents to any person. Although this e-mail and all attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus-free and [name removed] [name removed] Partners and/or its affiliates bear no responsibility for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email together with any attachments is confidential, intended only for the recipient or recipients named above and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, attorney work product or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this email in error, or are not the named recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this email or any of its attachments is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately and delete this email and any attachments from your computer. You should not retain, copy, use or distribute this email or any attachments for any purpose, or disclose all or any part of the contents to any person. Although this e-mail and all attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus-free and [name removed] [name removed] Partners and/or its affiliates bear no responsibility for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. That’s only a couple of threads….
Royse City, TX, on Feb 06, 2024
Yes Definitely.... Loved the process and support from Agent
Royse City, TX, on Feb 06, 2024
I really like Trophy homes! Nice designs and concept.
Royse City, on Nov 30, 2022
I like that everyone is really helpful and responsive.
Royse City, TX, on Jan 16, 2024
The whole process was a smooth and very detailed.
Royse City, TX, on Jan 15, 2024
Everything! Our sales rep [name removed] is fantastic. Easy to speak to, professional, and always willing to help.
Royse City, TX, on Oct 31, 2023
My project manager [name removed] was very helpful in walking me through the home
Royse City, TX, on Sep 18, 2023
I found [name removed] is a very helpful person I can trust and depend upon. He has not only fixed the issues but also ensured that work is done to the highest standards. He also kept me posted on the progress. I Greatly appreciate his professionalism and will recommend Trophy Signature to my friends and family.
Royse City, TX, on May 08, 2023
I would like to highly appreciate the builder [name removed]! He has been extremely helpful to me. He has made sure that my home experience has been great. He is very friendly and cares about maintaining a good home living experience. 100/100
Royse City, TX, on Apr 10, 2023
Loved [name removed] in the sales office at [name removed] and [name removed] for being on top of everything.
Royse City, TX, on Apr 04, 2023
The buying process was very seamless. As a first time home buyer, I was properly guided and all my questions were answered. [name removed] and charles were awesome.
Royse City, TX, on Apr 03, 2023
I think the team especially [name removed] and [name removed] were awesome!
Royse City, TX, on Mar 25, 2023
I love the design of the house & the quality.
Royse City, TX, on Mar 20, 2023
I liked the services given by Chares and team in the recent few days to take care of house
Royse City, TX, on Feb 14, 2023
At every step I was made aware of what is coming next and what should i expect in the purchase process. I should mention the final inspection process. Being a first-time home buyer, I was really afraid of how to take care of my home. But [name removed] really walkthrough cleanly with me.
Purchase Experience Testimonials from Real Homebuyers
Royse City, TX, on Dec 04, 2024
I enjoyed everything. Everybody was always very helpful and answered any questions I had
Royse City, TX, on Nov 17, 2024
I like the quality and price point. I dislike that there are some minor repair that needs to be done.
Royse City, TX, on Feb 06, 2024
Yes Definitely.... Loved the process and support from Agent
Royse City, TX, on Feb 06, 2024
I really like Trophy homes! Nice designs and concept.
Royse City, TX, on Jan 16, 2024
The whole process was a smooth and very detailed.
Royse City, TX, on Jan 15, 2024
Everything! Our sales rep [name removed] is fantastic. Easy to speak to, professional, and always willing to help.
Royse City, TX, on Oct 31, 2023
My project manager [name removed] was very helpful in walking me through the home
Royse City, TX, on Sep 18, 2023
I found [name removed] is a very helpful person I can trust and depend upon. He has not only fixed the issues but also ensured that work is done to the highest standards. He also kept me posted on the progress. I Greatly appreciate his professionalism and will recommend Trophy Signature to my friends and family.
Royse City, TX, on May 08, 2023
I would like to highly appreciate the builder [name removed]! He has been extremely helpful to me. He has made sure that my home experience has been great. He is very friendly and cares about maintaining a good home living experience. 100/100
Royse City, TX, on Apr 10, 2023
Loved [name removed] in the sales office at [name removed] and [name removed] for being on top of everything.
Royse City, TX, on Apr 04, 2023
The buying process was very seamless. As a first time home buyer, I was properly guided and all my questions were answered. [name removed] and charles were awesome.
Royse City, TX, on Apr 03, 2023
I think the team especially [name removed] and [name removed] were awesome!
Royse City, TX, on Mar 25, 2023
I love the design of the house & the quality.
Royse City, TX, on Mar 20, 2023
I liked the services given by Chares and team in the recent few days to take care of house
Royse City, TX, on Feb 14, 2023
At every step I was made aware of what is coming next and what should i expect in the purchase process. I should mention the final inspection process. Being a first-time home buyer, I was really afraid of how to take care of my home. But [name removed] really walkthrough cleanly with me.
Purchase Experience Testimonials from Real Homebuyers
Royse City, on Dec 12, 2024
The warranty service was a little complicated to understand however once I figured it out, I had no issue satisfying the problem.
Royse City, on Mar 18, 2023
I am very unhappy that the majority of the baseboards in the house are unfinished wood pieces. They aren’t smooth and feel like sanding boards. We also have outlets that do not work and major cracks in the ceiling.
Royse City, on Mar 18, 2023
I have countless emails about how bad this warranty service is for Trophy. I’m a builder for [name removed], and my wife works warranty for [name removed] as well. It’s a joke what we’ve gone through with Trophy. The communication has been the worst. Timeliness of tickets being completed has been awful. We have called, texted, emailed to not get any responses. You know when we get responses? When we go to the area manager threatening to go to the vice president of the division. I know it’s a new build, and it can have its issues. What I don’t tolerate is how atrophy “prides” itself on warranty and service, and we receive nothing but the worst service. I loved my house, until I’ve had to deal with this warranty department. I’ve asked for a new home warranty service manager because it feels like Im having to do the work for them. Let me see if I can include some emails…. This continues to be a joke. The sink was scheduled to be done on Tuesday. We got lucky plumbers were here to fix our toilet issues, so they offered to disassemble the plumbing for the sink for Allied. Had they not been here, the sink would have not been done. Why was plumbing not scheduled ahead of time for the sink repair? Why is plumbing still not installed? Are you really having us go an entire week without a functioning sink and a functioning dishwasher? Are we supposed to eat out every day since we have no way of washing dishes? Or are we supposed to wash dishes in our bathroom sinks without a disposal? Maybe we can go back to old days, and fill up a bucket with water and wash dishes outside in the yard. Fix the sink by tomorrow. I’m not going an entire week without a functioning kitchen sink. Can’t wait for that 6 month survey, can’t come soon enough. [name removed] provide your managers information please. Otherwise I will take to LinkedIn. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone On Mar 16, 2023, at 18:10, [name removed] wrote: ?Hey [name removed], I didn’t hear back from you regarding the sink. No one contacted me to schedule the reinstall and I would prefer this get taken care of ASAP. Thanks . Sent from my iPhone On Mar 14, 2023, at 12:37 PM, [name removed] wrote: ? Hey [name removed], Allied came out to repair the sink this morning, but when they showed up, they informed me that the plumbing would need to be pulled in order for them to complete the repair to the sink. Horizon Plumbing just so happened to be here at the same time, so I was able to sweet talk them into disconnecting the plumbing so that Allied could complete the repair to the sink. However, now we need to reschedule the reconnect for the plumbing underneath the kitchen sink. Can we get this on schedule for tomorrow? Also, the guys haven’t showed up yet to set up containment for the insulation tomorrow. Are they still on schedule? Thanks. [name removed] Sent from my iPhone ———————————///————————————— Good afternoon, Yes, you are correct about entry and airing out requirements. We can schedule this when you are available, but we do have policies where if a homeowner is not available for 7 consecutive business days that we must close the ticket. The homeowner would then have to resubmit the ticket when they are next available. In this case, your ticket will be closed, and I ask that you resubmit when you are available. We can schedule the plastic to be installed prior to the foam installation and will keep you updated. I do not have access to the MSDS you are asking for and those are designed for employers to educate and distribute to employees. I apologize but I do not have this information to provide. Thank you, Logo, company name Description automatically generated [name removed] Area Warranty Manager TROPHY SIGNATURE HOMES T: 469.830.5599 2805 [name removed] Parkway #125 Plano, Texas 75093 trophysignaturehomes.com Icon Description automatically generatedIcon Description automatically generatedIcon Description automatically generated with medium confidenceIcon Description automatically generatedIcon Description automatically generated From: [name removed] <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 8:21 PM To: [name removed] <[email protected]> Cc: [name removed] <[email protected]>; [name removed] <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Warranty update 2/22/23 Leak Repair Good evening, Thanks for clearing that up. And just to confirm the repair process, when the installer arrives someone will have to be home to let them in, but we are not to be in the home for 4-6 hrs during/ after the foam installation? That also includes pets as well? For scheduling, I will not be free until the week of 3/13 since our kids will be on Spring Break. Also, please provide the MSDS sheet for the spray foam being installed for our records. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone On Feb 24, 2023, at 11:30 AM, [name removed] <[email protected]> wrote: ? Good morning, 24 hours is a general requirement for a large insulation installation. I clarified this with Texas Insulation and showed them a picture of the repair area for your home. I apologize about any information provided previously that wasn’t accurate. Trophy Signature Homes does not offer reimbursement as stated in the 2-10 warranty for your home. Thank you, <image001.png> [name removed] Oringer Area Warranty Manager TROPHY SIGNATURE HOMES T: 469.830.5599 2805 [name removed] Parkway #125 Plano, Texas 75093 trophysignaturehomes.com <image002.jpg> <image003.jpg> <image004.jpg> <image005.jpg> <image006.jpg> From: [name removed] <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2023 5:49 PM To: [name removed] <[email protected]> Cc: [name removed] <[email protected]>; [name removed] <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Warranty update 2/22/23 Leak Repair Good afternoon [name removed]. Thank you for getting back to us and answering our questions. I still have some concerns regarding the insulation that I would like for you to clarify. Per my conversation with [name removed] yesterday, he informed me that the Insulation Company advised for us to be out of the house for 24 hrs post install. If that is going to be the case, what is Trophy’s reimbursement/ relocation policy for when homeowners have to vacate the property as part of the repair process? I understand that Texas Insulation will set up containment prior to the reinstall, and that the repair process should take 4-6 hrs but that offers little to no reassurance regarding the health and safety of my family. Am I to understand that setting up plastic barriers, opening windows and running a ceiling fan for 4-6 hrs is going to protect my family from potentially hazardous fumes that are released as the insulation cures, when not 24 hrs prior it was communicated to me that we shouldn’t be in the house for at least 24 hrs after? Your clarification on this issue is greatly appreciated. Also, can you please provide the MSDS sheet from the spray foam insulation company for the spray foam that will be installed. Thank you. Sent from my iPhone On Feb 23, 2023, at 5:16 PM, [name removed] <[email protected]> wrote: ? Good afternoon, My name is [name removed], and I am the area warranty manager for your community. I have confirmed with the insulation company the following factors when installing insulation at your home. If you would still like this scheduled on a Friday, we can accommodate this. I wanted more clarification, so I spoke to a representative at Texas Insulation about the processes for this situation. The same R value spray foam originally installed will be used for the repair area. Texas Insulation advised that installing plastic barriers to close off the area, open windows, and running the ceiling fan to assist air out the area. This will take 4-6 hours Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, <image001.png> [name removed] Oringer Area Warranty Manager TROPHY SIGNATURE HOMES T: 469.830.5599 2805 [name removed] Parkway #125 Plano, Texas 75093 trophysignaturehomes.com <image002.jpg> <image003.jpg> <image004.jpg> <image005.jpg> <image006.jpg> From: [name removed] <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2023 1:48 PM To: [name removed] <[email protected]> Cc: [name removed] <[email protected]>; [name removed] <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Warranty update 2/22/23 Leak Repair While y’all are checking on this, I would like a copy of the MSDS sheet from the spray foam insulation company for the spray foam they use please. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone On Feb 22, 2023, at 18:36, [name removed] wrote: ?Per our conversation on 2/22/23, you advised me that we should be vacant of the house for 24 hours after spray foam is re-installed. Seeing as a “repair” was done and completed by the roofing company, what accommodations is Trophy going to provide for us to be vacant from the house for 24 hours? Will we be reimbursed for our stay at a hotel? Will we be offered a hotel to stay at? This spray foam must be re-installed on a Friday, as our kids have school during the week. We also have pets, so they must be accommodated as well. Please reply all with an update on the steps Trophy is going to take to make sure this is handled appropriately. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone On Feb 21, 2023, at 2:41 PM, [name removed] wrote: ?Good afternoon, Per our conversation, can you please confirm that the spray foam being used for the drywall repair in the upstairs game room is the same quality as what was previously installed during the construction of the home? Thank you. Sent from my iPhone On Feb 15, 2023, at 5:28 PM, [name removed] <[email protected]> wrote: ? Allied stone should be there Friday afternoon Thank you, [name removed] <image001.png> [name removed] Community Warranty Manager TROPHY SIGNATURE HOMES T: 469.756.0663 2805 [name removed] Parkway #450 Plano, Texas 75093 trophysignaturehomes.com View Your Warranty <image002.jpg> <image003.jpg> <image004.jpg> <image005.jpg> <image006.jpg> From: [name removed] <[email protected]> Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 7:45 AM To: [name removed] <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Warranty update I can do Wednesday or Friday afternoon Sent from my iPhone On Feb 13, 2023, at 10:28 PM, [name removed] <[email protected]> wrote: ? Good afternoon They should’ve been there last Friday morning but I received an email from them today asking what day works for you Thank you, [name removed] <image001.png> [name removed] Community Warranty Manager TROPHY SIGNATURE HOMES T: 469.756.0663 2805 [name removed] Parkway #450 Plano, Texas 75093 trophysignaturehomes.com View Your Warranty <image002.jpg> <image003.jpg> <image004.jpg> <image005.jpg> <image006.jpg> From: [name removed] <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 6:06 PM To: [name removed] <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Warranty update Hey [name removed], I never heard back from you in this. When would All Surface be able to come out this week? Thanks. Sent from my iPhone On Feb 8, 2023, at 8:44 PM, [name removed] wrote: ?Hi [name removed], Can we do Monday afternoon? Sent from my iPhone On Feb 8, 2023, at 7:39 PM, [name removed] wrote: ? Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: [name removed] <[email protected]> Date: February 8, 2023 at 19:02:32 CST To: [name removed] <[email protected]> Subject: Warranty update ? Good afternoon I just wanted to let you know that all surface has requested to conduct an inspection on the shower pan on 2/10am for the blue residue, will this date work for you ? Thank you, [name removed] <image001.png> [name removed] Community Warranty Manager TROPHY SIGNATURE HOMES T: 469.756.0663 2805 [name removed] Parkway #450 Plano, Texas 75093 trophysignaturehomes.com View Your Warranty <image002.jpg> <image003.jpg> <image004.jpg> <image005.jpg> <image006.jpg> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email together with any attachments is confidential, intended only for the recipient or recipients named above and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, attorney work product or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this email in error, or are not the named recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this email or any of its attachments is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately and delete this email and any attachments from your computer. You should not retain, copy, use or distribute this email or any attachments for any purpose, or disclose all or any part of the contents to any person. Although this e-mail and all attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus-free and [name removed] [name removed] Partners and/or its affiliates bear no responsibility for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email together with any attachments is confidential, intended only for the recipient or recipients named above and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, attorney work product or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this email in error, or are not the named recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this email or any of its attachments is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately and delete this email and any attachments from your computer. You should not retain, copy, use or distribute this email or any attachments for any purpose, or disclose all or any part of the contents to any person. Although this e-mail and all attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus-free and [name removed] [name removed] Partners and/or its affiliates bear no responsibility for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email together with any attachments is confidential, intended only for the recipient or recipients named above and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, attorney work product or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this email in error, or are not the named recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this email or any of its attachments is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately and delete this email and any attachments from your computer. You should not retain, copy, use or distribute this email or any attachments for any purpose, or disclose all or any part of the contents to any person. Although this e-mail and all attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus-free and [name removed] [name removed] Partners and/or its affiliates bear no responsibility for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email together with any attachments is confidential, intended only for the recipient or recipients named above and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, attorney work product or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this email in error, or are not the named recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this email or any of its attachments is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately and delete this email and any attachments from your computer. You should not retain, copy, use or distribute this email or any attachments for any purpose, or disclose all or any part of the contents to any person. Although this e-mail and all attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus-free and [name removed] [name removed] Partners and/or its affiliates bear no responsibility for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email together with any attachments is confidential, intended only for the recipient or recipients named above and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, attorney work product or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this email in error, or are not the named recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this email or any of its attachments is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately and delete this email and any attachments from your computer. You should not retain, copy, use or distribute this email or any attachments for any purpose, or disclose all or any part of the contents to any person. Although this e-mail and all attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus-free and [name removed] [name removed] Partners and/or its affiliates bear no responsibility for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email together with any attachments is confidential, intended only for the recipient or recipients named above and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, attorney work product or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this email in error, or are not the named recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this email or any of its attachments is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately and delete this email and any attachments from your computer. You should not retain, copy, use or distribute this email or any attachments for any purpose, or disclose all or any part of the contents to any person. Although this e-mail and all attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus-free and [name removed] [name removed] Partners and/or its affiliates bear no responsibility for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. That’s only a couple of threads….
Purchase Experience Testimonials from Real Homebuyers
Royse City, on Dec 29, 2023
Trophy has terrible communication with me with the pending repairs im still waiting on.
Royse City, on May 07, 2023
The materials used in the building process are extremely low quality. The warranty department is a joke. The contractors either don’t show up to do warranty repairs or don’t have the materials to com0,etc the warranty work. There are excuses from everyone why warranty work is not being completed. They always state with that isn’t part of the warranty. After reported repeatedly they finally scheduled the repair. Which requires me to used my vacation time, for the contractors to either not show up or show up late with out the tools and or products required ro make the repairs.