Homebuilder Ratings & Reviews

New Home Co.


122 Homeowner Reviews
Jan 2024 - Mar 2025

Overall Satisfaction

Customers' overall satisfaction
Customers' willingness to refer our communities to their friends and family

Oregon Communities Map


Builder Profile

We are New Home Co. We believe a home isn’t new because of when it is built, but how it is built. A home is only as new as the ideas and innovations that live there. We are passionate about delivering on the promise of new with every home we design and build.


Our new homes artfully blend timeless style and innovative design. A modern way of life with more connectivity and sustainability for smarter and healthier ways to live. Inspired design and choice help to personalize each home with curated design packages that offer a flexible range of styles and costs. Our award-winning sales team is here to help every step of the way with more transparency and trust.


We have a new home for everyone, at every stage of life, from suburban communities to urban villages and residences. Every new home is a new beginning for all of us to start the next chapter in our lives. Every new home is a new opportunity to make progress on what it means to be new. We take pride in helping our homebuyers and our industry move forward.

Homebuilder Customer Reviews

No one knows more about a homebuilder's quality and service than the builder's customers.

Since 1984, Eliant has been independently evaluating the performance of homebuilders across the U.S., Canada, and the Middle East:...read more

  • We ask recent homebuyers to evaluate their builder's purchase process.
  • Then, we ask homeowners to evaluate their builder's quality and service (1) after the first 5-months in the home, and (2) again at the end of the first year.

In "Homebuilder Customer Reviews", we present the ratings and comments collected from new-home buyers at these three points in time.

Eliant verifies that only evaluations completed by actual customers are included in this "Homebuilder Customer Reviews" site. No other evaluations - whether collected by the builder or those appearing on other public sites - are included here. All customer comments are included verbatim, no editing is permitted...read less

Most Recent 20 Comments From Oregon
Purchase Experience Testimonials from Real Homebuyers

Beaverton, OR, on Dec 29, 2024

I liked working with the preferred lender ([name removed])

Verified Homeowner
Beaverton, OR, on Dec 15, 2024

Our seller Agent [name removed] was super helpful through the entire process of reserving the lot to the waiting period and finally moving in. Super happy with the experience in buying our first home .

Verified Homeowner
Beaverton, OR, on Dec 13, 2024

The process was seamless. The timelines that were promised were met. We liked our home walkthrough. Great details were provided and questions were answered. Issues pointed out during inspection were duly addressed.

Verified Homeowner
Tigard, OR, on Dec 11, 2024

Great build quality.. excellent design. If we have to think about improving our process. I would hope for more extended sales office hours. More detailed information about the community.

Verified Homeowner
Beaverton, OR, on Nov 20, 2024

Nothing comes to mind

Verified Homeowner
Tigard, OR, on Nov 14, 2024

Carpet and some blemishes. Hopefully it will be resolved

Verified Homeowner
Tigard, OR, on Oct 28, 2024

Easy to communicate with the team and inspection items were actioned super quickly.

Verified Homeowner
Tigard, OR, on Oct 24, 2024


Verified Homeowner
Tigard, OR, on Oct 16, 2024

Nothing - it was fairly seamless.

Verified Homeowner
Beaverton, OR, on Oct 15, 2024

The quality of the flooring is very poor.

Verified Homeowner
Tigard, OR, on Sep 12, 2024

The staff at the model home are very friendly and accommodating. I had asked to be let into the home a few times before becoming the owner and each time they were very helpful. I appreciated the fast response to the home inspection report and at buyer orientation there was a list of everything that had been addressed and what was still to be done. Overall the entire team has been very responsive.

Verified Homeowner
Beaverton, OR, on Sep 07, 2024

My garage has a slope and the cover up looks bad. It’s a brand new home that I purchased that should look like a brand new home.

Verified Homeowner
Tigard, OT, on Aug 27, 2024

I was very pleased with how everything went. The 6 month build just flew by and I did not feel the stress. It was exciting process as I am a first time home buyer.

Verified Homeowner
Tigard, OT, on Aug 24, 2024

Dear New Home, When my husband and I decided to move back to Oregon to be closer to family, we couldn't have been more thrilled. Being away from family the last 10 years has been very hard since it's so far away. With our young children, we decided being closer to family was more important than the beach and sunshine. We knew we wanted to live in a newer neighborhood where the kids could be kids, they could run around and meet others in the area to play with. We love progress ridge and thought it would be wonderful if there was an area being built like this. We were meeting with the builders in the area and when we found out about the neighborhood you are building with the park for kids, dog park and shops/restaurants, we thought it would be a great place for our family. We knew we needed a large floorplan with at least 5 bedrooms to accommodate us. We were happy to find out you were building a larger model that would work for us. It was hard because when we saw the house it was in the very beginning stages and we had to go off the floorplan to truly understand what it is we were buying. [name removed] made us feel confident that the house would be what we were hoping for and more! So we decided to take the risk of not being able to see the house/or model and go for it. We couldn't have been more thrilled that we finally found the place we would call home. We have friends in the area that would send us pictures of the outside as it progressed. We were so excited with every update. A few months ago, I flew my daughter and I here to see what would be her new school and come see the house. When we went inside, we were happy to see drywall up so it was a lot easier to understand the layout of everything. Downstairs was beautiful as far as we could tell, loved the big open space and tall ceilings. We went upstairs and went into the master bedroom closet and found that there was a large piece that was taken all the way to the window for some reason. I was shocked! I am like what is going on, one of my favorite things about the house is the large master closet. Why would someone do this and not talk to me about it?? I went into the first bedroom on the other side of the house and saw that's where my closet went. For some reason they made a closet for this room out of my closet?? I am thinking that makes no sense, this room is supposed to have a walk in closet, why would they need another one? I opened what was supposed to be the closet was now the home of the furnace. I couldn't believe my eyes. I knew right away not only was this a huge problem for me with my closet but also now I am losing a walk in closet since the new one they were creating was a regular size closet. I can't express my frustration and anger since no one notified me about this dramatic change effecting two areas of the house. I called [name removed] crying and she had no idea there had been a change either. That made me feel even less confident with the house because what else was I missing?? I asked her to change the closet back, now I would have a 4 bedroom house instead of a 5 bedroom (and have a scary giant machine in the room we lost as a bedroom). I was not happy with this and did not feel it was a good solution. I wish that the builder had taken the time to talk to me about any changes that were going to be made so I could have been a part of the decision making process. I am the first to buy this floorplan and put my trust in you that it was going to be everything I was told it would be. To say I was disappointed is a severe understatement. We have four children, when they got to see the house, not one of them wanted the room with the furnace. I don't know how we are going to handle that. I am worried about resell value in the future, I know this house is meant for families and that is not ideal for anyone. It is not the house I agreed to pay $911K for. The second thing that I am greatly disappointed about is the design package. I was surprised to hear how expensive they were to be honest. I own five homes and have remodeled extensively so I know how much materials/labor costs are. I have no idea why it is 35K to change the color of the floor and get a hexagon tile in the bathroom vs rectangle tile. The kitchen counters would still be quartz, flooring same material, the only thing I understand that would be an upgrade is the backsplash in the bathrooms since the base package did not have that. I decided to move forward with the package because I wanted light floors and I didn't want to have to replace all that flooring after I moved in and I thought the hexagon tile was nice and the backsplash would be pretty. As the construction continued, I was very disappointed to see that they were putting the large rectangle tile in the master. I was so confused, I asked [name removed] and she said that tile only went into the guest bathroom... why would I have paid more for flooring when it doesn't even go in the master bathroom?? I was never told the design was different in each bathroom. I feel so frustrated as I was not told any of this. The sinks were undermount in the master and the downstairs bath but then overmount in the guest bathroom (with the upgraded tile floor). Nothing seems to make sense and had I known all of this I would never had pad for the upgraded package. I would have been much more happy with base package and then doing upgrades myself. Then to boot, I saw that there is no backsplash in ANY of the bathrooms. This is one of the things I was excited about! On the design board for the package I chose, there is a tile that [name removed] said was the backsplash. The only place in the entire house that that tile from the design board is, is the tiny 6" by 6" niche in the master shower. Why would something be on the design board that you are asking me to blindly go off of? I asked so many times to see any design rendering of the space and I never got to see anything. I am so deeply saddened by this entire experience. I would never have paid for this package knowing what it truly was. I do not believe it is an upgrade at all. Every time I rose concerns, I was met with with defensiveness and no empathy. My best friend bought a house through [name removed] and had a much different experience. She was able to see model homes in the package she chose, and was in constant communication with the builder. At one point, the builder contacted her to tell her that the countertops that were installed were not the ones she had chosen. They let her know that she could keep them at the same price (they put in the 4K upgraded counters) or they would promptly remove the counters and replace with the ones she had chosen. She ended up keeping the counters and was happy with the upgrades and communication regarding the issue. In my case, not one time was I notified of any changes and I had to advocate on my behalf. No one gave me any options or allowed me to be involved whatsoever. The last issue that I am going over in my head is regarding the fridge. In the initial floorplan, the fridge was directly across from the front door. It was decided it would be moved but this did not bother me as I don't really care about where the appliances are in the kitchen. I decided to buy the fridge you guys recommended (even though it was $5K and I know at the store it is $3200). Once it was installed it looked beautiful. I went to open it and could not believe my eyes... the right side of the fridge can only open 90 degrees due to the garage wall being next to it. I have this large kitchen and and now this fridge that I can't even pull out the bottom drawer. I really have no words to describe the disappointment in this process and the issues that really have not been resolved. I should be so excited to be moving into this house with my family. Instead, I have a four bedroom house instead of five (no clue what I am going to do with the furnace room since all my kids are terrified of it and no one wants to share), the design package is not at all what I thought it was going to be and never would have paid for it had I known what it truly was. I want to feel good about this and be happy in this neighborhood and with my new neighbors. I want to feel proud to talk about the neighborhood and recommend to others. I hope you will rectify the situation one way or another. I wish you had come to me and came up with something, at least you have the opportunity now if you decide to. Thank you, [name removed], [name removed], [name removed], Ireland, [name removed] and [name removed], I can't express enough what a difficult experience the pre sale and post sale of our home has been with New Home Co. We have only been in this house for two weeks, and for half of that time we’ve dealt with constant issues. As you’ve been made aware, I’ve been battling between Safe Street and New Home to get the smart features we paid for. [name removed] says talk to the builder, the builder says talk to Safe Street. It took me spending hours with the SafeStreet rep, assuring them of my placed order without team, and speaking to [name removed] and their electrician to figure out a path forward. I still have yet to receive the credit of $1,415 for the smart switches I never received. Additionally, our new doorbell that they installed doesn't even work as it says the battery is dead, even though it is hardwired. Last Sunday, I randomly opened the furnace room to show one of my friends. Upon opening the door, there was water everywhere. This was shocking as this is our brand new home. I immediately texted [name removed] the video of the leaking furnace and someone was sent right away to fix it. As [name removed] told you, that gentleman walked into our home unannounced while there were small children present. We had company over that night and they were nervous with their children playing when there was an unknown man upstairs. After roughly an hour, that gentleman claimed the issue was fixed, except for the water damage of course. Since Monday, we have had people in and out of our house constantly. Many without even telling us they were showing up, while my husband and I are trying to work full-time jobs. We understand workers need to access our home to fix these urgent issues, but it feels like we don't even have control of our brand new home at this point. When your restoration crew came on Monday morning, they checked the furnace room and determined that it would dry with the fans/humidifier. They reassured us that we would not need to open any of the walls. This made us nervous, as we want to make fully sure there is no mold growing inside of our newly purchased home. Additionally, I had to ask the workers to check the other side of the wall in the stairwell, and, sure enough, that was wet, as well. I then took the initiative to ask them to check downstairs below the stairwell to ensure no damage was done to the ceiling. To their surprise, that was wet also. I was extremely concerned that if they missed these other two areas, what more could they have missed? Why am I as the new homeowner finding major issues that your team of specialized professionals should be finding on their own? If I hadn't asked, it none of those would have been checked. That night, I was thinking about the location of our closet being on the other side of the furnace. Once again, not one professional had thought to check that area. When the team arrived the next day, I told them to check it, and to their bewilderment, it was the most wet of all the areas. The worker immediately began ripping up the carpet and carpet pad. Now, our new closet smells like mildew, and makes us concerned about mold growth. Can your team assure us that there is absolutely no mold growth in our brand new home? On Wednesday, restoration returned and found that the furnace was leaking again. At that point, a new HVAC company came out and spent hours into the evening with two gentlemen upstairs and two workers in the backyard. Again, I’m left with random people in my house with my small children. All the while finding out that now have to deal with the drying issue all over again. The new HVAC tech said the reason he believes that unit it was leaking was due to a very dirty air filter. Beyond that, the Freon was overfilled by whatever team that installed it by more than two pounds. Then, meeting with you that day, it truly felt like our concerns were not met with care. We understand it’s a difficult situation, and that you likely want this to be done just as much as we do, but your answers and reassurances felt forced and scripted. The smiling while I was in tears with my daughter present was shocking and disheartening given all that we’ve been through in trusting your team with this massive purchase. At this point, we are exhausted and frustrated. On top of all that, yesterday on a 90+ degree day, our AC unit stopped working. Last night was a miserable night’s sleep for all of us. I am so far past frustration at this point and I don't know what the solution is. Do we need a new furnace altogether? Is there mold in my walls? Do we need to open them to see and make sure our family is truly safe? Beyond fixing the bare minimum which shouldn’t have happened in the first place, is your team going to do anything to make this right? Sincerely, [name removed] & [name removed]

Verified Homeowner
Tigard, OT, on Aug 21, 2024

Separate detailed evaluation to be provided at a later date.

Verified Homeowner
Tigard, OT, on Aug 14, 2024

The staff is amazing, and the developer goes above and beyond in a lot of cases. Was a little disappointed they never came back to finish some of the finishing work like they said they would. But overall this is a much better developer than most.

Verified Homeowner
Tigard, OT, on Aug 08, 2024

We like the overall quality of the home built (except minor repairs which is expected). The initial contract signing process with sales team was great and the team was super helpful. But, We did had few challenges throughout the process and believe these could’ve been simply avoided by simple communication. It wasn’t clear what it really meant by “AC Ready Home”. As we were expecting all AC hookup components inside the HVAC unit (i. e. Coil) will Be installed except the outside condenser. This caused some confusion or last minute surprises. It was also not clear early on that if we don’t get AC installed thru builder/builders contractor then warranty on the entire HVAC unit including heat will be voided. Found all this information after closing which caused unnecessary hustle. Other than that usual issues like delayed closing (which required additional costs on home buyer to do multiple inspections as utilities weren’t connected on time), long list of repair items during final walk thru, hard to get a hold of customer representatives etc etc. Eventually all of this was resolved but required a lot of hand holding and follow-ups. I believe the sales process is more defined but as it gets near closing or after closing the process as well as communication could be improved. Again, all of this was eventually resolved by customer team.

Verified Homeowner
Beaverton, OT, on Aug 05, 2024

Offered several options, sellers agent did not push us one way or another.

Verified Homeowner
Tigard, OT, on Jul 26, 2024

I have submitted a few items that need to be fixed on the portal but have not heard back in a few weeks.

Verified Homeowner
Beaverton, OT, on Jul 22, 2024

Dislike: Our legal document information had to be corrected a couple times (buyer names, closing date). Liked working with Flora at Axiom and Tricia at The Vineyards. So far working with Brandon for our new home orientation and blue tap walk through has been pleasant.

Verified Homeowner